'I am the PiP3 SIO for Operation Privilege; this is a pre-trial investigation into the execution style murder of a former prison officer in Skelmersdale in Lancashire which occurred on 8th February 2024. A key and significant LOE for the team has been CCTV and vehicles captured on the footage.
The investigation has accumulated hundreds of hours of footage, identified key vehicles, and made identifications from within the investigation of them being used on CCTV. It was clear to me however that we needed to be able to prove and have certified each of our pieces of evidence such that they would stand scrutiny of the court. I had previously utilised Martyn Weightman from GMP on an earlier homicide for this work and discovered he and his colleague Paul had established Dave UK LTD on their retirement from policing. I had no hesitation in making contact and instructing them for the purpose outlined above.
From the off they have been professional, adopted a scientific and structured approach to their role within the investigation- they have avoided having their work tainted by the investigation naming the make, model of vehicles and every early briefing was conducted using numbers for each vehicle to ensure no prejudice or bias. I welcomed this level of care, and it was extremely important. The reports and findings they have generated have been exemplary, clear, thoroughly detailed and pragmatic in terms of the probative value of each image or group of images on a red, amber, green scale.
They have taken a meticulous approach and have confirmed in large part the teams findings but even more importantly were able to rule out clips the Crown would otherwise seek to rely on- they were able to confirm those clips were not our subject vehicle- this is so good as it avoids the defence being able to show mistakes in the investigation and also that we have been fair and CPIA compliant in our work and that of our experts in accordance with the principles of a fair trial.
As for Paul and Martyn they are accommodating, business like, impartial and ooze integrity. I have no hesitation in recommending colleagues within Law enforcement to them and I look forward to my next opportunity to instruct them. I am happy to take contact from colleagues re utilising this tactic and this company if required.'